Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ebook 4: Shadow of Death

image from Amazon
 A good book which I tried to finish last weekend. It's a book by Patricia Gussin. Again, it's free.

The setting was in the late 60's during the riots in Detroit mostly due to uprisings from the colored community. Laura Nelson was then a freshman medical student, when a riot in 1967 erupted. Her first patient at the emergency room was a victim of gunshot on the head (Anthony Diggs). Anthony suffered deadly complications.While doing hospital rounds, she checked on Anthony and met his mother and his brother Johnny. Johnny was very mad at Laura due to Anthony's complications. On her way home, Laura was dragged in the dark by someone she didn't recognize. She was threatened and was raped by the stranger. After the asailant's execution of his disgusting deeds, Laura remembered the unlicensed gun on her purse. She shot the stranger and fled the scene afterwards, believing that nobody saw her.
The story went on with Laura being torn between reporting to the authorities her unfortunate fate and her family and dream to become a doctor.

Well, it's up for the reader to find out. Hahaha!
Like I've said, I got it for free. But then, I checked Amazon this evening, it's not anymore. Amazon is charging US$5.99.

Just got lucky!!!


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