Tuesday, October 18, 2011

text neck syndrome

After Blackberry Thumb, we now have the Text Neck Syndrome.  An article states:

As use of mobiles and handheld music players is on the rise, so are the cases of 'text neck' - repetitive stress injury seen especially in young people who look down at mobile devices for long periods of time.

"The bones and muscles of the spine adapt to that posture and functional changes ensue," the New Zealand Herald quoted Chiropractors' Association spokesman Hayden Thomas, as saying.

"These changes in the curve, supporting ligaments,
tendons, musculature, as well as the bony segments, can eventually lead to nerve involvement, muscle spasms and pain," he added.

One of the suggested ways to avoid this is to hold the gadget directly in front of the face to avoid bending the neck downward.  This is precisely what I do with my Kindle 2nd generation reader, which is why I never stressed while using it.

Having said that, X, if there is anything (apart from the cost) that would make me go Kindle Fire, I say it is its relative size and weight versus the IPAD 2.  IPAD 2, just like other technologies, is so addicting, and so chances are, you will spend a lot of time tinkering with it.  Based on the comparative table you provided, Kindle Fire is 14.6 ounces and IPAD 2 would be 21.28 ounces.  Thus, Kindle Fire is a lot (about 1/3) lighter than IPAD 2. 



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