Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chris Lao

Remember Chris Lao? That U.P. Law student who waded his car into flood water, immediately after which a GMA reporter interviewed him and out of frustration, while sounding like an idiot, he cried out "nobody informed me! Why me? I was not informed!"

Now, he's back, in a BPI Autoloan infomercial which has debuted on YouTube, which promotes the BPI Family Autoloan with free insurance and acts of nature coverage.

Chris Lao has also recently started his own twitter account @iamchrislao. His twitter bio reads "the genuine I should have been informed driver."

Negas would see this as capitalizing on one's misadventures. Chris Lao sees it as a bouncing back. He shares his joy tip: don't pin happiness on something as fleeting as reputation. Pin it on your love and respect for yourself which is more permanent.

Somehow, he earns my respect.


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